衡水列举网 > 行业市场 > 化工原料 > 面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料施工


更新时间:2021-04-02 14:22:45 浏览次数:109次
区域: 衡水 > 景县
单价:85 元
面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料的嵌填采用填料挤出机嵌填和人工嵌填两种方案。填料挤出机嵌填:波形止水带安装完毕后,把填料挤出机的外模固定在混凝土表面上,并在混凝土表面上 50cm范围内涂刷 SK底胶 ,然后接通电源,用填料挤出机进行面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料嵌填施工。在填料挤出机的运行过程中,需要不断转移外模,并在每次换外模时涂刷防粘剂。因为填料挤出机的内模在外模中行进且在砼表面滑动,故要求砼表面十分平整 (长度方向2m范围内起伏差在 5一 以内)。
人工嵌填:根据 面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料设计断面确定嵌填形状,把 面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料切割成相应的形状;待粘贴部位经过表面处理后,涂刷 SK底胶,待底胶开始变粘稠时粘贴 面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料(撕去 GB填料板一边的防粘纸,沿GB填料板的长度方向从板的一端向另一端渐进粘贴,注意排出 GB填料板与粘贴面之间的空气 );用橡皮锤敲击 面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料的边缘部位 ,使其密实,接头部分形成坡形过渡,以利于下一层的粘贴,面板顶部变形缝GB柔性填料厂粘贴后加压,以嵌填质量。
GB flexible packing is special rubber as raw materials, unique, high plasticity, heat resistance, cold resistance, aging resistance, but also has simple operation, non-toxic tasteless, good water resistance and adhesion performance, specifically for concrete panels, rockfill dam around the and telescopic sew on water in water and development and production of new a new kind of coal seam water stop material flow type, is the key to the surface of the concrete face rockfill dam water stop material, also can be used as other concrete structure joint sealing surface of materials.
The SR plastic packing is special and its expansion joint construction waterproof packing, appearance is shiny black solid, for flexible rubber mud, has the strong stick relay, elongation can be up to more than 1000 percent.
GB flexible packing often also referred to as the sealant caulking, GB - CL flexible packing, GB - SR sealing glue, the elastic sealant, waterproof putty, putty SW sealing glue, etc. GB of flexible packing specifications according to the shape can be divided into shape packing (sealing) of water stop and atypical packing (flexible packing) two; Caulking water stop of specifications can be customized according to user needs processing into any size, flexible packing packing is 25 kg box.
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